“These revolutions are portrayed in the western media as popular democratic revolutions, in which the people of these respective nations demand democratic accountability and governance from their despotic leaders and archaic political systems. However, the reality is far from...
Dr. David Leffler
As demonstrated by the recent wave of attacks, terrorists find ways to thwart counter-terrorism defenses. However, for leaders who seek it, there is a simple and cost-effective solution to create lasting peace known in military circles as...
About a year ago, I concluded my book on Hillary Clinton, “Queen of Chaos”, with a fairly pessimistic chapter on the “War Party” which controls United States foreign policy. At the time, I wrote:
“A last-minute peace candidate would be...
President Jimmy Carter says America, a once-free nation, is now an oligarchy, and that’s not just his opinion. It is provable, and backed up by the research of top political experts and scholars. An oligarchy is a government run...
In the twenty-one years I spent at Columbia University, there was always some professor or another coming under attack from the Israel lobby—starting with the famous brouhaha of Edward Said throwing a rock or two at an Israeli military...
What percentage of terror attacks in the United States and Europe are committed by Muslims? Guess. Nope. Guess again. And again...
“Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.” How many times have you heard that one? Sure,...
by Samir Amin
Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Lenin, Bukharin, Stalin, and Trotsky in Russia, as well as Mao, Zhou Enlai, and Den Xiaoping in China, shaped the history of the two great revolutions of the twentieth century.1 As leaders of...
Since its creation after WWII, Israel and friends have been masters at manipulating emotions, endlessly invoking the memory of Hitler’s Germany as a pretext for starting further wars as in the recent Holocaust-themed propaganda against Syria’s government.
“The irony is...
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The volume of international transfers of major conventional weapons continues to increase. The average annual level for the period 2005–2009 was 22 per cent higher than the...
PLEASE WAKE UP because EVERY HOUR a veteran commits suicide, veterans make up the highest adult homeless population in the U.S. and they have an epidemic of PTSD, and when YOU BLINDLY chant 'support the troops' and other bullshit...
By Ari Shavit, Haaretz
8 October 2024
Under this headline, the Hebrew newspaper “Haaretz” was published with an article by the famous Zionist writer Ari Shavit,...